Class at SL004 from 12- 2pm..
I need to act based on P.Ramlee’s Film..
This task was done in group.My group members are Sya,Yaya,Ina and Mira.
We need to translate Malay word to English word.
We had choosed TIGA ABDUL’S FILM..
And my character is Abdul Wahab..
I think,I’m not good in acting…
I’m not do it well…

BEL 260 at USPP from 4-6pm…
For this evening class,we had grammar presentation.
It was a presentation from two group about CONJUNCTION & PREPOSITION.
After this presentation,
I know that I need to learn more about this...
The conclusion,
The class has taught me to be more confident when in front of people
and don't make things easy to hard.
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